Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Just Kidding" and 'Ganging Up' reflection

After reading 'Just Kidding' and 'Ganging Up' I thought about about the many times I have been bullied and how I took that anger of bullying to bully others. As a child going through elementary and middle school I went through a lot of things. I was bullied consistently and I was excluded from groups. I felt horrible because I felt as though there was something wrong with me which caused people to make fun of me. I was hurt physically, mentally, and emotionally. I began to develop a fear of going to school because I no longer wanted to be bullied. I was afraid to think to think or dress differently than others because I knew that I would be made fun of. I developed a hate for certain people. I kept these thoughts and feelings bottled up inside of me, but when I entered high school these feelings and thoughts came out of me. I began to bully others, who I know would not do anything back. I joined in groups where we made fun of people. The one true thing in life that I hated, bullying, was what I was doing. I was turning into those very same people that I hated so much during elementary and middle school. I did not realize what I was doing until I noticed that I was truly hurting other people's feelings. I had become a bully, no different from the ones that I had hated in the past. When ASTI did the bullying workshops I realized the amount of people's feelings I had hurt as a result of my bullying. I had also realized that the reason why I bullied others was because I was bullied once and it hurt me deeply. Most of the statements that were related to being bullied and bullying others were true for me. When I noticed this I quickly changed my ways and stopped bullying others. I apologized to those I had bullied, but for many others it is too late to apologize. Some people take bullying too far and cause others to hurt themselves and want to kill themselves. They have been multiple cases in which bullying has resulted in the suicides of multiple people who could no longer take this bullying. The only solution they could think of to stop the bullying was to kill themselves. I do not believe that bullying comes from anger or hatred of a certain person,rather it comes from the fear of being bullied yourself.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. GOOD ARTICLE and Very good perspective of why people bully
