Friday, August 27, 2010

Response to Tony's Lin Quote

While reading through Tony Lin's response to the Odd Girl piece, I read a quote that related much to what I had said in my reflection of this piece.

I think people bully others sometimes for entertainment, because someone is different, trying to be cool, or just trying to fit in with everyone else. They might want to hurt their peers because the person might have done something stupid or just are different for them.
 I agree with what Tony is saying in this quote because I personally know many people who have bullied others for the simple fact that they want to fit into a certain group of people. I also have had people bully me for the fact that I was little different, but how does help a person to fit in. All this does is hurt the person emotionally, mentally, and physically. The concept of karma (what goes around comes around) can be easily be applied in this situation. The person who initiated the bullied may find himself being bullied by the same group of people he/she was trying to fit in. It is basically a cycle, one person bullies a person which leads to other people bullying each other. It is an endless cycle, but there are things that can be done to help slow down the cycle and prevent other people from falling into this cycle. For example, the ASTI constitution is a great source of ways to slow down bullying. The ASTI constitution was made for and by the students. I believe that the ASTI constitution is very easy to follow. It consists of rules on what not to do. This rules are not the hardest thing in the world to follow. I believe the constitution can almost eliminate bullying from ASTI but as long as there are differences between people and people wanting to fit in there will always be bullying. It is something that is in our daily lives, but we have to learn how to look past this and look ahead towards the future and positive things in life. We cannot allow ourselves to drown in the never ending cycle that is bullying.

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