Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Animal Farm and uprisings around the world

George Orwell's Animal Farm tells the story a farm of animals overthrowing the humans and setting a government for themselves. This is very similar to what is going on around in the Middle East, where multiple countries are beginning to start uprisings against their governments.

In Animal Farm the animals were tired of the humans treating them lesser beings and acting like they were superior to them. One day Old Major, one of the pigs, came up with an idea for the animals to rebel and overthrow the humans. Soon after Old Major died, the animals carried out his ideas and overthrew the humans. They set up their own government with a set of certain rules, much like the constitution of the United States. This is like what is going around the world especially in Egypt. An article by BBC News explains what is going on with some of the protests in Egypt. The people there are tired of Mubarak, the president of Egypt. The people feel that they have been oppressed and are no longer going to take it. They've gathered up in protests. The last straw was when the government disconnected the country's Internet. Eventually President Mubarak stepped down. The people have not been able to set up democracy, but I see it coming some time in the near future.

Protests have also occurred in the small African nation of Tunisia. An article for BBC News reports on some of the violence that has gone in the streets. Although they people have been able to force their leader, the people are still at unrest with their government. While watching KTVU News yesterday there was a report stating that a month after the protests began the people are not happy with their new government. Many workers have gone on strike and trash has been piling up on the streets. Volunteers have had to go out clean up this trash. This is similar to when the pigs in Animal Farm began to change the rules to favor them. Soon after overthrowing the humans, the pigs took charge and began to tweak things to benefit them. The rest of the animals became angry at this.

In conclusion, the book Animal Farm may tell the story of animals overthrowing their owners, the humans, but this story is much like many of the uprisings that have occurred around the world.

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