Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Elijah and I opening statement

         The death penalty is an extremely controversial topic. It has been said that the death penalty is just as wrong as what the person who is receiving the death penalty did. Most people that receive the death penalty have committed murder or another serious crime. Killing this person is pointless because they have already committed the crime. Does killing a person bring the person that they killed back to life, no it does not. This person committed murder which is ac rime, but using the death penalty is basically murder. So basically we are committing a crime by killing this criminal. Killing a person is morally and ethically wrong. This is clearly stated in a quote by Thurgood Marshall JD, late justice of the US Supreme . He sates: “[Capital punishment] violates the Eighth Amendment because it is morally unacceptable to the people  of the United States at this time in their history.” This quote shows us that the death penalty is morally unacceptable. Killing a person for punishment does justify the fact that you are taking a person’s life. Who is to say that we wont just kill a person if they commit less greater crime. What bis to say we will not take advantage of this power to kill a person who has committed a crime. What’s the point of killing them; what is done is done. People gotta leave the past in the past. Killing a person due to the fact that they killed someone only shows that you are willing to go down to their level. It only shows that you are no better than them. There are better ways of dealing with this person. They should just be thrown into jail for the rest of their lives to reflect on what they did. They should just rot in there.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for putting it up i did not want topuit on mine yet
