Friday, September 24, 2010

Response to Keiland's Swag

Wle reading through Keiland's post on swag i found this quote that made me think "What the hell are you thinking?"
So now i know a lot of people will read this and try to make me " swag down" and try to make me do small things to go against what i said. But it will not happen. Every 1 works up to how much swag you can gain. You start at 5 "swag points" and the highest you can go is 150 . To learn how to "swag up" or "swag down" ask me:)
OK first of all no one cares about your swag. If you have swag that is cool, but you do not have to go all around the world telling them you got swag. I mean is it really that much of a shock that you got swag? How can you really define swag? Who defines swag and how did you come up with this definition of Swag?

Second of all, at the end of your post you state that: "You start at 5 "swag points and the highest you can go is 150." This is confusing me because I mean not sure what actually do you mean when you say everybody starts with 5 points. Are you saying that swag is like a game in which the purpose is to collect the most points possible? What are these 5 points exactly for? How did you even come up with 5 points to start and then 150 words to end? It makes no sense. I don't see how these points apply to swag at all. Swag is not a game and its not about points. Its about what you wear and how you carry yourself. You can get swag from another person or you can have your own personal swag. It is just a matter of how you address or carry yourself. It has nothing to do at all with points.

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