Friday, September 17, 2010

While Reading Aleah's post about fashion I found this quote that made me think about how certain styles are connected to certain. It is also brought up the question of who should be able to wear what?

I think fashion is an expression of who you are, I;m not saying every white person who wants to, try and dress black I'm not saying that. But I think styles have to fit you inside and out. Just because you may feel like your black doesn't mean you are. I'm not being racist but still.

I completely agree with what Aleah is saying in this quote about how fashion should represent you because I believe that no matter your race, gender, or age you should be able to wear whatever you want. If a person thinks that a certain type of clothing is more comfortable than another type then they should be able to wear it. Fashion is just another in which can express. If a person a gangsta then they should gansta and if a person is emo then they should dress emo. There is no limit to how what a person can wear. People should be able to show their true colors without being judged or afraid of what others might say. A person should not be judged for what they wear, it is a free country. Judging people for what they wear just shows the insecurity that this person has.

I disagree when she said about if you feel black t doesnt mean that you are black because skin color determine your race. We are all the same, just because someone sags their pants and wears a baggy t-shirt it doesnt mean that they are black. It doesnt mean anything, it is just a fashion choice. There is no reason at all that race should be tied into with fashion.

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