Friday, October 1, 2010

During class on Wednesday Mr. Sutherland showed us a picture of a woman sitting in a room, next to a window reading a letter. We were supposed to do a quick write about what we thought was going on the picture. We had to come with like a story about who the letter was from, what did it say, and how did she end up in the room. This what i wrote in class.

The year is 1776 and the setting is England. The woman in the picture is named Elizabeth. She is twenty-five years old and has been madly in love with a fine young gentleman named George. Unfortunely George was sent to service in the Colonies a couple of years ago. Ever since then him and Elizabeth have been exchanging letters. It has been a couple of months since Elizabeth has last heard from George. Then one late Autumn afternoon, Elizabeth received a letter a letter not saying who it was from. She quickly took the letter and ran upstairs to her bedroom. She kneeled down next to the window, hoping that the light would help her to read. She slowly opened the letter hoping it was from George, but she was wrong. It was not from George, but it was from the British military. The letter read, "Dear Elizabeth, We truly are sorry for being the informers of bad news, but your husband has benn killed while on duty." She immediately dropped the letter and broke into tears.e

She cried and cried for hours. She could not believe that he was gone. She had loved him for so long and so much. The pain was indescribable. She locked herself in her room. It was as if her heart was hit with the force of 10,00 fists. Her heart was shattered into a million pieces. She could no longer take it. Her pain and sorrow was too much for her. She got up and jumped out the window.

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