Friday, October 8, 2010

Freewrite bout school

I personally find school to be boring and a waste of time. I think this of school for many reasons.

One reason why I find school boring and a waste of time is that some teachers just pile me with an abundant amount of homework, notes and lectures. They put no creativity or effort into making class fun at all. This is extremely boring because there is no room for flexibility at all. It is just the teacher blabbering while the students take notes. I feel that these teachers are a waste of time because I don not learn in a lecture, direct instruction type of classroom environment. Not only do I not learn from them but there never seems to be a way to somehow persuade them into incorporating some creativity into the class. Overall these kinds of teachers make up a good chunk of my reason of thinking school is boring.

Another reason I find that school boring and a waste of my time is that there is just so much work to do sometimes. How can teachers expect you to do so much work and be prepared for a test at the same time. I do not see how that is possible without working super hard and pulling an all niter. But even you manage to finish all the work and prepare for the test you will still be tired from all the time and effort put into the work. Not only is there is so much work, but most of the time I found the work to be useless and time consuming. I find it useless because I found it to be very ineffective at helping me to learn the material. I find it to be time consuming just for the simple fact that it takes me forever to do my homework or classwork. Overall I have a very negative attitude towards school.

Even though my overall feeling of school is negative there are also some positives that come from it. Some of those positives are meeting new people and get to experience and learn new things.

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