Friday, October 8, 2010

Response to Shiyun's friendship

I found this interesting quote while reading through Shiyun's post about friendship
In the dictionary friends is defined as a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. This is equivalent to what I think friend is, but I kind of disagree with the meaning that they give in the dictionary. It does not fully define what this word mean. To me, friend is defined as a person that we treasure, appreciate, and someone who we think is trustworthy. It is also someone that we can ask for help and support.
I agree with this definition for friends and I also agree with Shiyun when she says that a friend is also a person who we treasure, appreciate and trust. I fortunately can say that I have a good group of friends who I can mess around with, but who I can still trust. I cant say the same thing for other people. A "True Friend" can be easily confused for a person who just is Friends with you for a certain reason. They do not care about you or feelings. Therefore they are not a "True Friend". There will always be people who you admire and trust, that is a true friend, but there are also people who come into your life and just walk right out the next instance.

Even though I have some very good friends, I still think that friendship is a bunch of five star bulls***. I believe this because at the end of the day, no matter how many good friends you have, you are still on your own. In reality it is your life and you choose your own path. Your friends wont be there for you through the toughest moments in your life. Friendship is important.but it is not the whole world. Friends are a good thing only when they are the right people who will support you. Even though I believe that friendship is a bunch of BS it is still important to socialize with people.

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