Saturday, December 4, 2010

Response to Aleah's response to my post.

While trying to find a good blog post to respond to I encountered a post from Aleah that responded to mine and Luis's post about Oakland.

What the hell Alex, are you stupid. If you didn't notice this Oakland is not as violent as people portray it to be.Honestly. I live in West Oakland where there are shootings every know and again, but I've been living there for five going on six years after moving from Berkeley and I've never been Shot at.

Ok first of all I am not stupid because I am only expressing my opinion on the violence in Oakland. Im not saying that of all Oakland is violent, I am merely speaking about what the media portrays about the city of Oakland. I understand that many people are outraged when other people say that Oakland is a violent city and that it is crap because I am also offended when people say that Oakland is crap and violent. Like Luis said Oakland has very nice areas where you can hang out and have fun. Second of all I have been living in Oakland for ten years and I also moved here from Berkeley. In my ten years here I have not seen a person get shot or been shot at myself, but I have heard of people getting shot on televesion. My neighborhood is relatively calm and peaceful so I have not been a direct witness to the violence shown by the media. The whole purpose of the post was not to anger anybody, rather it was intended to express my opinion on how violence and the media has destroyed the look of Oakland. Im just saying that I am tired of hearing about violence because that is what I mostly hear about Oakland. The violence seems to overshadow the good things and that is getting annoying and needs to stop. I want the positives of Oakland to be shown, rather than negatives. I just want Oakland to be seen for the great City it is, like Luis said.

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