Friday, December 17, 2010

Speak part 3

Yes, I am finally done with the book Speak. The story overall itself was not disappointing it was interesting and I never really lost interest, but me and my group members had some mixed feelings about the ending.

My group members and I agreed that the plot and story was good, but the ending was just like what ever. The book just ended with her standing up against Andy, the boy who raped her at the party, and then receiving an A for her art project, the tree. I just thought the ending was so suttle, like the book just ended. I was very disappointed in this because I felt the ending had much more potential than what was actually written. For example, the scene where she is in the room with Andy could have been so much better and epic, but she just said no, that is it. It is kind of boring when you think about it. She finally stood up for herself, but I don not know I just pictured a much better ending.

While  talking about Andy being the one who raped Melinda at the party, my group members and I discussed why Melinda decided to stay silent and not tell anyone. We agreed that she was scared to say anything because she did not know what other people would say. She also did not really have an idea of how to explain what had happened. This feelings of sadness, fear, and confusion is what lead her to not being able to speak about her rape. She had been having nightmares of him ever since school started and she know that she had to something, but she could not bring herself to talk, but at the end of the day it was Rachelle, her ex best friend, who was first to know what happened. Kind of ironic. All of these feelings built up in her to the point where she could no longer take it anymore. She broke her silence and stood up for herself.

Overall, this is a very good book that I would recommend others to read.

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