Saturday, December 11, 2010

Response to Respect by Rohksor

I saw this quote by Rohksor and I just needed to say something about it.

I hate forgiving, forgetting, and anything of the sort. I get one life and if I waste it forgiving people who do not deserve to be forgiven, then I might as well kill myself and give them my life. If I have to forget what people did to me, I might as well give my self a slow and painful death. So therefore, respecting people would be just as stupid. I will lose respect for people and the point of this blog is to say that if someone gets on your nerves, then lose all respect for them and treat them like the pile of trash that they will become.
Damn I think this is a little harsh. I mean to say that you hate forgiving, forgetting, and anything else like that is one thing, but to say that wasting your time forgiving others is waste of your time and you just kill yourself is just really out there. I understand that forgiving others may be a waste of your time, but really saying u rather kill yourself is just stupid. I also understand that you don't want to forgive or forget what others did, but does that really mean that every person who disrespects you or gets on your nerves you will just lose respect for. For example, if one of your closest friends says something that offends or angers you, then you will not take the time or even consider forgiving them. If that is the case then you will pretty much lose respect for everyone you know because almost everyone you know is bound to disrespect, anger, or offend you in some way or another. I am not trying to tell how to live your life, but I am just saying that you should at least think about forgiving the person. You cant just lose respect for the entire world, but hey its your life so who am I to tell what to do.

1 comment:

  1. responded to thissss !
