Friday, January 21, 2011

Animal Farm

Political power, corruption, selfish have all been topics for debate. If exposed to political does person become corrupt and crazy with power?

My answer to this question is yes I believe that the majority of the time when a person is exposed to political power they will become corrupt and greedy and mad with power. I believe this because throughout time, history has showed us that people who have been exposed to power have become corrupt. For example, great historical figures like Cesar, Hitler, Mao, Joseph Stalin, etc. have had political power and they had all abused of it. They stripped land form their people. They killed their own people. They conquered and oppressed their enemies. Its the feeling of having power and being in charge that brings out the evil and corruption that lies within every person. I believe that almost everyone I know would abuse the power if they had the exposure to it.

Although there maybe a good amount of people who have abused of their power, there have also been people who have not taken advantage of it and abused it. For example George Washington, countless presidents and leaders have not taken advantage of their power. They did not abuse their power instead they used for the benefits of others instead of themselves. It most likely took a lot to keep themselves for becoming corrupt and mad with power. Even there are exceptions to corruption and abuse, I still believe most people if the chance will take advantage of power they have. I know I would and I am not shy to say it.

I think that George Orwell would agree with me because in his book "Animal Farm", a pig is the one to come up with the idea to throw over the humans. When the animals successfully threw over the humans the pig took over power because a pig had come up with the idea to over throw the humans. This shows how the pigs had the access to power and they used to control the other animals.

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