Friday, January 14, 2011

The perfect Country

OK so in the past few days we have talked about the perfect or ideal government or country. To me the perfect/ ideal government/country consists of many things.

First of all, everybody should have equal rights. For example, gays and lesbians should be allowed to be married and they should also be allowed to be in the military without having to face harassment. Men and women should be treated equally for their actions. The actions of a man should not weigh more than the actions of a women. People of all race, gender, and sexual orientation should not have to face any discrimination under any circumstances.

Another characteristic of the perfect country/ government is that all law enforcement and military must have a college degree. I find to be very important because I know many cops that are, I am going to say it, stupid as f***. I mean half of the time I do not think they know or realize what they are doing. I believe that having a college education will help law enforcement in making better decisions and keep the public safe. I also believe that weapons such as firearms, explosives, etc. should only be allowed to be accessed by the government. Firearms would no longer be sold to the general public. This lack of weapon of exposure should keep the general public safe.

Undocumented students should also be allowed the right to an education because even they do not have papers they are here in this country for the right reasons. They are fighting an looking for a better future not only for themselves. but for their families as well. Some of these undocumented students could be the first in their families to go to college.

Finally I believe that health care should be provided to every single citizen at no cost. Health care should not be luxury for the ones who have money, rather it should, no it is a necessity for every person in the country. Every day we are exposed to the possibility of injury and we should know that we have the medical expenses covered if an injury were to occur.

1 comment:

  1. I like your ideas Alex! One big question is did you consider the ramifications of having health care for all citizens at no cost? If you allow everyone to have health care, health care would cost more and people would have to be taxed more to fund for this "free health care". Hospitals and doctors need money in order to function and taxes are the main approach for the so called "free health care". Another reason why I think this move may be problematic is that if someone is a drug addict and everyone has health care, everyone not only has to pay taxes for themselves, but also the drug addict (and his problems for that matter).
