Friday, January 14, 2011

Response To Andy Tsang

Reading through the different blog posts I found an interesting quote that appealed to me by Andy Tsang.
Probably not as passionately, but math is also one of my favorite subjects. It may have been the fact that the answers are so direct, or that my past teachers could teach it very well, but I have always had a strong sense of mathematics, ever since sixth grade. At that time, I was doing extremely poorly in math, barely holding up a D. But then, after one parent teacher conference, I realized that had to change. I spent all my free time trying to make up my work and studying for test, and before I knew it, I ended the year with a solid B.
This quote stood out to me because I also find math to be my most disliked subject, but my easiest well up until about last year when my grades started to just drop. See I usually got a high B to low A in math, but last year I just settled for the C. I think my grade droppped because the teacher was very loose and just let the class move on there own and I guess that looseness is what got me lazy which is what caused my grades to drop. I got lazy and dropped my guard and I let my assignments pile up and I did not take my tests and quizzes serious. I wish I could go back and fix that math year up and do much better

Much like Andy I also had an interesting 6th grade math experience. Unlike Andy, I was at the top of my math class in 6th grade I would have like A and I would sleep thorugh class and not take notes because I found everything very easy, but my teacher did not much appreciate this so she put me and ten other students in upper level math to give us a challenge. That was an interesting experience because for once I felt challenged, but at the end of the day that is what pushed to be the student I am now.

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