Friday, November 5, 2010

Free write about mind trap

Wendsday during English we received a mind trap that was very open to interpretation. The topic was about a group of friends who always went to the sauna, but one day Dave was found dead in the sauna and the autopsy did not reveal anything about his death. The only information that was given was that Abe listened to his headphones, Bud read magazines, Dave just talked about his girlfriend, and Carl brought a thermos filled with ice water. This is my interpretation of what really happened to Dave.

Carl had grown extremely tired and annoying of Dave always talking about his girlfriend. The ironic part of that was that Carl had an affair with Dave's girlfriend. He could not stand Dave's bragging and he knew that the only way he would have his girlfriend all to himself was to take Dave out for good. That day Abe, Bud, Carl, and Dave decided to go to the sauna as usual. Abe and Bud were to busy and distracted to notice what was about to happen. While Dave was blabbering about his girlfriend, Carl slowly opened his thermos and pulled out a knife that he had carved out of the ice right before they went inside. While the other two were distracted, Carl lunged himself to Dave and covered his mouth and stabbed him right through the heart. Dave fell to the ground and Carl walked back to where he was. The steam from the sauna quickly covered up the body of Dave. The other two had notice a thing until they left and noticed that Dave was no where to be found. They went back inside only to find the lifeless body of Dave on the ground.

The police was called and a detective arrived. The detective processed to access the crime scene, but no evidence was found. She then asked the others if they knew anything, but there were no clues. The autopsy did not reveal anything about the murder because The ice knife that was used to kill him melted thous leaving no evidence behind. With no evidence or leads the case was closed. Carl had pulled off the perfect murder.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alex, here's a link to the response I did on this post ;P
