Friday, November 12, 2010

Response to Sluts and Pimps

Finally after going through minutes of searching on google reader, I finally found a quote that was worth writing about. Karen wrote about how men are considered pimps and how women are considered sluts.

Why is it that it's okay for males to do these things and talk about it like in raps,etc. but for women it is frowned upon? Some people said because women end up with consequences like for example ending up pregnant. But my brother called her slut for playing them, not taking in any sexual activity. Some other people said because it's more common for a girl to be the ones who are cheated on and get their heart broken and since it's kind of uncommon for guys to get their hearts broken, they get pity. I still don't know why this happens.

I think that part of this answer comes from religion or culture. In many religions, such the Muslim one, it is a custom and tradition for a male to have multiple wives. It is not frowned upon, instead it is celebrated when a man gets his second, third, fourth, and so on wives. But when a women has multiple partners it is not only frowned upon, but it is also punishable.

I think that both men and women should be seen and treated the same way when regarding their relationships and love lives. It is not a person's fault that they have been with many people. Some people have been with many people in attempt to find that right person. I justify this reason to have multiple partners because some people are just unlucky with love and they have to search hard for years to find that right person. It is not like the person wanted multiple partners, it just happened.

At the end of the day there is only really one person who is perfect for you. That person may be right next to you or on the other side of the world. It may take days, weeks, months, years, or decades to find this person. Anyways the moral of this is that there are no pimps and sluts. It is all some five star bull shit that society has filled our heads with.

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