Friday, November 5, 2010

While looking through Google Reader I fell on this quote from Shiyun,

Does our image really matter that much in our lives? I think that we are too focused in our appearances rather than our who we really are. I started to realize that most of us care about being liked by others around us or wants to be praised for their looks. In Mrs. Corbally's class, I  have learned a lot about the feeling that people have for their image. I was really surprised when I watched the videos about being too fat or people that are suffering through anorexia thought so much about their weight. It gave me a whole different perspective of this matter that I have never thought about.

I one hundred percent agree with what Shiyun has said in this quote because my perception of image has changed after I saw the films about image and eating in Mrs. Corbally"s class. At first I thought Image was something that all people worried about, but I never thought for some people was everything and they were willing to go to extreme measures to obtain this image. These films opened my eyes to how the media perceives the ideal image and how many teenagers, not so far from my age, have had issues with their image. I used to always think that anorexia was just a physical disease, but it also a phychological disease. Looking at these people who are a little older or younger than me really hits me because that could have possibly been me.

I do believe that image plays an important role in our lives, but people can try to look past image and look at something much more deep. I feel that if a person gets caught up too much in their image then are much more pron to developing anorexia, bulimia, and other diseases. That is why I think it is important to be conscious about your image, but not to the point where you go crazy. I also feel that we, as friends of people who have these problems can help by supporting them

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