Friday, November 12, 2010

The issue of violence in Oakland

I am tired of hearing about the on going violence that has destroyed the city of Oakland. People need to grow up and learn how to deal with their problems in a peaceful and formal way. Violence can not be the response to everything because that will only make the cycle of violence continue.

This was really pointed out to me the other day when I was flipping through the TV channels and I came upon this show named gang wars. This show caught my attention in particular because it was talking about the gangs and violence in Oakland. The show specifically focused on the cycle of violence. Whenever one act of of violence was committed it would be responded to by another act of violence. It is a sad truth that many people in Oakland have to deal with. Violence does not solve anything it only brings even more pain and suffering. It is sad to see teens my age getting caught up in this violence. It sickens me to think that they are just throwing away their lives for what a gun, power, females, toughness. I can only imagine what their families think of them. They destroy any chance they have of succeeding in life by getting up in this violence. It may not always be their fault, but still, they cannot fall into the never ending cycle that is violence.

It is difficult to keep yourself out of this cycle of violence. It is only human nature to retaliate against someone when they do something to you. It is an instinct that we all have and I believe that is extremely difficult to resist. It is possible to escape this cycle of violence though, but it is difficult. In order to escape this violence a person must first suck up the pride they have inside of them and except the fact that they will not retaliate in a violent way. The situation must be analyzed and a peaceful solution must be thought of

I believe that through understanding and calm thinking, the violence in Oakland and other places will hopefully decrease.

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