Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Garcia Girls # 3

OK so I have finally read the third and final part of the novel How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accents and I have to say that I am a little disappointed. I am a little disappointed because I feel that the story on an "eh" note like I feel that the ending could have been so much more better. The story just ended like with no real concrete ending. I was also disappointed by the fact that I found this part to be just like the first part in that there is no really feeling or story. It is just basically a description of their childhood and the description is not even that good. I find it to be vague. I did not find a direct connection between the second and third parts. This last part did not help a lot in understanding what had happened later in their lives. For example, the first and second parts focused a good amount of time on the crumbling relationship between Sofia and her father, but there was no clear reason why their relationship was crumbling. I hoped to find that answer in the last part of the story, but I never found that reason Overall I feel that the true story and juicy parts occurred in the second part of the book. That personally was my most favorite part and I feel that the first and third parts were kind of like fillers. I feel that Alvarez intended to end to end the book like that to keep us thinking. I don not think she wanted us to get the whole story.

Regardless of the fact that I did not like the ending it was a good book. I would have to say that it is one  of the better books that I have read. At first I found the whole backwards chronological thing to be confusing, I ended getting used to it and it turned out to be interesting. I really liked it and well besides the ending I did not have much complaints.

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